Saturday, September 3, 2011

Update & Care To Share

you can find my previous update on this matter HERE
yesterday the culture came back and the kidney infection has cleared up but because im still in so much pain they scheduled a CT scan for wednesday (their thinking its kidney stones) we'll see tho, ill update then.

& because this post was so short i wanted to share a photo of Twinkie, hes all perked up and when he makes this silly face i know hes about to get crazy and hyper ;P haaa
& thanks to all the lovely ladies that always leave sweet supportive cmnts
much love


  1. omg, take care hun. Twinkie is just so adorable. I would really love him to father Lola's babies. Hahah look at him he's so handsome.

  2. @heart kristel
    thanks girl, we'd be such pround grandmamas ;PP

  3. I hope you get well soon. I'm sorry you're in so much pain. :( I'm sending you good thoughts. <3 <3

  4. Hope you feel better soon!! At least you have Twinkie with you to keep you some company!<3 and he is ADORABLE!!(:

  5. @stephanie
    thanks you so much(:

    @paint that nail
    he's great company, my baby is fun

  6. That's good your infection cleared but that's crazy your still In pain, hopefully it's something easier than stones, hope u get good news dear, Twinkie is such a cutie! I think it's the adorable when dogs run around all hyper and crazy.

  7. @beauxs mom
    I hope so to the dr told me passing stones is more painful then giving birth because your bodys not made to do it. Yeah its hella hilarious when hes hyper & he gets good exercise lol

  8. I hope you get better soon! Take care :( btw your puppy is soo cute!! I like the name, it reminds me of this toy shop we used to have over here called Twinkles hehe!

  9. @diana
    Thanks hun lol I named him after a trendy american sponge cake pastry thats yellow on the outside and white in the center which matches his colors(: and I didnt think it was to common, it suits him well

  10. awwww soo sweet:)
    btw. i follow you now, didn't realize that you were following me.

    have a good day xxx


  11. oh my gosh, get better soon hun! Aww he sooo cute :') xx

  12. Get well soon ! The dog is so cute =) I'd like us to follow each other !

    Fashion and Cookies

  13. I hope you get to feeling better super soon! I'm sorry it hasn't gone away yet. :(
    Cute puppy! :)

  14. Hello, I'm a new follower. The link just links back to your blog. I'm so sorry to hear you're in so much pain. I hope it gets better soon.

  15. @everyday makeup blog
    thanks ill fix that

  16. Hope you feel better soon!!!! Your dog is soo cute!

  17. I am blinded by the cuteness of Twinkie!!! :D SO CUTE!

  18. awww feel better sugar -- paws crossed over here and sending all sorts of good juju your way (plus some extra love for Twinkie cuz hi!!!)

  19. @nail nerd
    thanks soo much your so sweet(:

  20. aww what a cute dog :3
    Love the font's default comments that you did to your blog as well!
    makes it look different compared to other blogs :)

  21. aw i hope your feeling better soon hun :(

  22. Aw, Twinkie is so cute! Hope your doctors get you fixed up quick!
