Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Hey ladies,
its been quite awhile 20 months to be exact  since i last blogged or even looked at my blog but im back. my life has changed so much and ive settled in to it, and now have the time to dedicate to my writing. since 2011 ive come a long way in my beauty career i atteneded cosmetology school and am now a trained cosmetologist. i also met the man of my dreams, got married, and started a family. im now the proud mommy of a beautiful babyboy Dayton Augustine born march 22nd 2013 and now that im a "cosmo mommy" my blog will also include posts about motherhood from pregnancy-birth and everything after. i hope you all will enjoy the different inportant aspects of my life as i continue to share with you now.
dont hesitate to request anything eaither or email me.

&& heres some pictures from the last 20 months (: enjoy.



  1. So happy your back!! Congratulations on all the great things going on in your life!! Your baby is adorable!! You look so happy!! Motherhood looks good on you dear :)

  2. I'm so happy you're back & everything is going so well! Dayton is absolutely adorable! Y'all make a really cute family! :)
    Oh & congrats on being a cosmetologist!!!! :)

  3. Your gorgeous, congrats on the little family and being a cosmetologist! Welcome back to blogging too! :)

